Today is 5th of February, birthday of my husband Mr. Lallan Prasad Thakur. He was born on 5th of February and according to Hindu calender that day was Narak Nivaran Chaturdashi, Birthday of God Shankar. It is an auspicios day for Hindus. Every year I celebrate both the days. On Narak Nivaran I have a fast and go to the temple, but I like to celebrate 5th of February as a memorable day. Every year I celebrate this day in different ways. Last year Narak Nivaran Chaturdashi again was on 5th of February. So, it was a very special day for me and for L.P.Thakur Smrity Nyas. A trust which I formed in my husband's name.I organized and directed a Maithili play on 5th of February last year, which was written by Mr. Thakur. I tried my best to direct it and put all the skills which I learned being his wife and critic. The play was successfully staged and liked by the audience.
Today I organized a free medical camp for those who are suffering by leprosy. There is a colony in Burmamines area of Jamshedpur for leprosy people. I am very thankful to my brother-in-law Dr. Binod Kumar Thakur who always supports me in this kind of social work. He is always ready to give his valuable time for this kind of work. But he always says that LPT(this is what all my brothers and sisters called Mr. L.P.Thakur) was not only my brother-in-law, he was much more than that. He comes all the way from Dhanbad to Jamshedpur for free medical camp whenever I organize.
My brother-in-law Sallanji chose this place for today's medical camp. One day while discussing about the venue and activity for 5th of February this year, he told me that it was a very good place for this type of social work. So one day I went to see that place with Sallanji and we decided to do a medical camp on 5th February followed by lunch for the people of that colony. We told them and came to know that they had their cook and wanted to cook them selves. So we asked them for the list of cooking materials and after obtaining that we returned back.
Today went there with doctors and medicines in the morning. The people were waiting there for us eagerly. As we reached there we could see their smiling faces. At least 50 patients and two three cooks were waiting there. As we reached there first we gave them the cooking materials and then doctors started examining the patients. I felt very sorry seeing them in such a miserable condition. Any how Binodji told us after examining them they need an eye camp and told us to contact a primary health center because they can provide medicines for their decease which he saw in children there. He told us that WHO provides medicines for this decease. So, now we have decided to contact the local primary health center for the same and our next camp will be eye camp.
The check up was over at 3 pm and the food was also ready, so we told them to sit and start their lunch. We returned back and was very satiafied and will remember this birthday of Mr. Thakur too.
He will always be alive in our hearts. For ever!
Someone's bithday is someone's death day (my father died on Narak Niwaran Chaturdashi who siad on listening to my mother's death, jatsya hi dhruvo Mrityo..)but surely one's death at a yopung is always more painful as you would have in LPT's(my brother also)
Celebrating bithday or memorising death day in a better way like you did is commendable.
I hope you will be going on your journey till last journey all have to take to a common end point..
Didi ,
I am very happy for everything you did on his B'day . LPT is always like a sweet memory for all of us . And I always felt to do something for deserving people ( NIHSWRATH SEWA ) .
दिनांक 16.02.2009 कें मैथिली मंडनक तत्वावधान में 'मैथिली युवा लेखन दशा आ दिशा' विषय पर शहीद भगत सिंह कॉलेज, नई दिल्ली में एक टा संगोष्ठीक आयोजन कयल गेल. एहि अवसर पर देशक विभिन्न भाग स' आयल टटका पीढीक सक्रिय भागीदारी रहल. बनारस से आयल 'नवतुरिया' केर संपादक अरुणाभ, कटिहार (बिहार) से रोहित झा, दिल्ली से अलोक रंजन, मिथिलेश कुमार राय, फिरदौस, धर्मव्रत चौधरी, देवांशु वत्स, सेतु कुमार वर्मा प्रमुख वक्ता छलाह. ऑडियो कोंफ्रेंसिंग के जरिये गाजियाबाद से मैथिली आ हिंदीक प्रख्यात कथाकार - संपादक अनलकांत ( गौरीनाथ ) आ सहरसा सं चर्चित युवा कथाकार - कवि अखिल आनंद सभा स' जुड़लैथ. संगोष्ठीक संचालन युवतम रचनाकार कुमार सौरभ केलैथ. एहि अवसर पर नवतुरक रचनाकार सबहक क्षोभ एकटा पर्चा पर देखल गेल जे सभा में उपस्थित करीब एक सौ रचनाकार पाठकक बीच वितरित कयल गेल
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